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Mom's Christmas List, Revised

It came to me during yoga. In the weeks after Thanksgiving family had been asking me what I want for Christmas and so I had cobbled together some ideas and sent a list.  But the other day, in mid-Sun Salutation I thought, I really wish my family all knew how to do a Sun Salutation. And a lightbulb went off. I’d like that for Christmas more than any physical item they could get me. Let’s face it, I have the credit cards, I shop for everyone. I can get myself whatever I need or want when I need or want it. I hate to admit this but getting me gifts is probably a chore for my family and often a little disappointing for me, because I am blessed to neither need or want for much.

But I would get great joy seeing my whole family get the benefits of a Sun Salutation. For the uninitiated, a Sun Salutation is a sequence of yoga postures that affects every joint and muscle in your body and clears the head just by the flow of it. And, learning it is something they can give me that I can’t give myself. Throughout the day, ideas for things they could do that would really make me happy just kept coming. So, I made them a new list and now I’m sharing it with you.

Mom’s Christmas List - Revised 12/17

  • For all of you to learn how to do a basic sun salutation.

  • For my husband to spend one 24 hour period doing absolutely no work. No emails, no texts, no calls, no brainstorming. Absolutely, positively, no work.

  • To read the same book at the same time with one of you and talk about it.

  • To have someone else do the week’s grocery shopping.

  • I’d like my kids to write in a journal

  • I’d like a 10min shoulder rub once a week. Term limits can be negotiated.

  • I’d like to take a long walk anywhere with any of you.

  • I’d like someone to work on a puzzle with me.

  • I’d like you to teach me how to do one of your things that I don’t know how to do: play your favorite video game, that elaborate handshake you do with your friends, use that cool photo app, how to use your fancy camera.

  • I’d like you to watch an educational but cool documentary with me without complaining. You pick it for us.

They WILL have to figure out how to put these under the tree, because let’s face it, all the excitement is in the opening of the presents. My holiday wants are about being present. About being together. About my desire for us all to live healthy enriched lives. About wanting to slow time down a little before we all grow up. What a gift that would be.