The Fun of Winter Citrus

Why do kids get to have all the fun? As adults many of us let fun go somewhere along the way. Like everything else is so much more important that there isn’t just time for fun. Ever feel like you wasted time playing a video game, doing a puzzle, or doodling on a piece of paper? Ever feel like reading a cheap romance novel was indulgent and embarrassing. You know what it really was?  FUN.

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Oh Hi Future Self! You Look Great!

I was recently invited to do an exercise where I had to visualize the end of my life and look at my “older, wiser self”. I had to imagine - as if watching it on a screen - where she was; the feel of that place, the smell of it. I was asked to contemplate as a curious outsider - what does her life look like?  What would she want me to know? What would she say were her greatest experiences, joys, sources of gratitude?  What might her regrets be? Here’s what Big Anne showed me:

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Craftmatic Adjustable Bed

Also as a professional organizer for over ten years, I know all to well what it’s like to take too much of your parents' stuff. I can’t count the number of clients whose initial call with me includes the phrase “...oh and I’ve got a bunch of things in my basement that came from my parents’ house that I need to figure out what to do with…”  That was a burden that I did not want for myself. I was very deliberate about what I chose to keep take home with me.

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Old Year's Resolutions

Instead of New Year’s Resolutions, I considered a list of what I’m NOT gonna do. But it felt negative, and I couldn’t come up with a great list. So I flipped the script. Not a list of what I HOPE to do. Not a list of what I WON’T do. I decided to just make a list of what I’ll KEEP doing. Recognize what works in my life and keep doing that. A sample:

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